In Four Seasons Landscaping, you play as a gardener. But not just any gardener. You're THE Gardener--the gardener for the temple grounds of the Cult of Four Seasons, that is. And while that typically means you can keep to yourself day to day without much hassle, every now and then the cultists approach you with some... less desirable forms of work.

Today is one of those days. Apparently some sacrifice went horribly wrong and the gods are demanding a fitting tribute to appease their wrath, but the cultists are too afraid to do it themselves. So they've recruited YOU to do the dirty work for them by offering elemental sacrifices to the gods of the Four Seasons at various sites throughout the temple gardens.

Only problem is, for some gods forsaken reason, every offering site has been sealed off by elaborate contraptions of a most bemusing and disconcerting fashion. How these apparatuses came to be installed, you can only guess. Perhaps the gods conjured them into being for their amusement, or to ensure the offering of the elements is fittingly onerous so as to exact justice upon their lackluster followers and their pitiable sacrifices. Who is to say? You're just the Gardener. But the cultists would rather you risk the ire of the gods than stick out their necks again.

**sigh**. Gods. The quicker you can make these offerings, the quicker you can get back to the real good stuff: Tending to the lovely gardens of the temple.

How hard can it be, right? Dumping some water, lighting some torches... it can't be that bad, right?


(At least they let you rest on the job. And hey, if you skip a site or two here and there... what god is gonna notice or care?)

Developed for Godot Wild Jam #71


Four Seasons Landscaping - Linux 70 MB
Four Seasons Landscaping - Mac 56 MB
Four Seasons Landscaping - Windows 78 MB

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